Directions to Cliff's Cycles
You can find our store right on Route 115 (Rockwood Road) in Norfolk, Massachusetts. We're but ten minutes from Foxboro Stadium.
From The South
Driving from the south, Route 115 starts near Route 1, about a mile south from Foxboro Stadium. From Route 1 turn onto Pine Street by the Lafayette House restaurant, or from Route 140 take the right onto 115 signed Norfolk. Follow Route 115 north as it crosses Route 1A then winds its way through Norfolk town center, where you'll traverse two roundabouts (make a right at the first, straight through at the second), then one more mile and you'll see our store on your right.
From The North
Driving from the north, Route 115 tees off from Route 27 and intersects Route 109 in Millis. Continue straight until you see our store on your left.